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Awards and Presentations Events

Bennet's Place Presentation Confirmation 2022 Corpus CHristi 2022 Fall Picnic 2023 Fr. Cyriac Stole Presentation Pregnancy Resource Center  Star Council 2022 and 2023
 Corpus Cristi 2024 Summer Safe 2024

(Click Photo to enlarge)






On Corpus Cristi weekend, our 4th degree members of Our Council provided escort to

Father Cyrian and Deacon Mike Chavez, both Brothers of our Council, to Altars erected by ministeries

thoughout the parish.  Our altar is seen below





Assembly 3410 Color Corp Commander SK Todd Morrow and SK Robert Barnard representing Assembly 3410 at the St. Patrick's Day Mass at Christ the King Cathedral on Friday March 15, 2024. A total of 12 SK's were present, representing 4 different Assemblies. Bishop Hartmayer was very appreciative of our presence.

Our Counil held it's First Annual  Soccer Challenge.  Pictured are the participants and winners for each age group.
St. Oliver's 46th Anniversary Picnic/Father Cyriacs 25th Anniversery/Father Ron's Welcome Picnic


Check presentation to the Pregnancy Resource Center of Walton

Confiremation 2022 Mass Honor Guard

Sir Knights from 5 Assemblies provided an Honor Guard for the Arch-Bishop and 43 young adults who received Confirmation on
Sunday, March 12, 2022 at St Oliver Plunkett Catholic Church.

The Knights of Columbus Drive for Persons with Developmental Disabilities has been in existence since 1970.  The Knights of Columbus Charities Tootsie Roll Program is dedicated to providing life-based health care, learning and quality of life opportunities for children, teens, and adults with disabilities. The Knights of Columbus Charities Tootsie Roll Program The St. Oliver Council, 13440 has selected Bennett's Place as our recipient of the proceeds from our Drive.  Thanks to the generosity of the Parishioners we have been able to raise thousands of dollars for Bennett's Place:

Star Council Aware Presentation - November 2022 and 2023 Triple Star Council Presentation

Star Awards recognize outstanding achievement in membership, insurance, programming, and overall operations. Earning a Star Award is the marker of a high preforming Knights of Columbus unit and the goal to which every council, district, and assembly should strive.  This Fraternal Year, Council 13440 achieved a TRIPLE STAR COUNCIL AWARD!


Pictured Left to Right:
State Deputy TJ McCausland, Brother Knigh Rev. Fr. Cyriac, Grand Knight Robert Barnard, District Deputy Ken Boone

(Left to Right)
State Deputy Worthy Jim Clifford, Grand Knight Rob Barnard, District Deputy Arnie Terrell

As a member of the 4th Degree Knights of Columbus, "Sir" Father Cyriac was presented with a Stole and Chasibul as a symbol of St. Oliver's Council 13440 KofC, proudly presented these gifts with the Knights of Columbus Logo embroided on them.  We hope he wears them with honor at future Council Events when appropriate.

Our Pastor, Father Cyriac, a great supporter and a 4th degree member of our order, is presented with a Knights of Columbus Stole and Chasuble


Christmas Party 2022 Corpus Christi 2022 Family Picnic 2021

Feast Of Corpus Christi - June 10, 2023
(Double Click On Thumbnail For Larger Photo)

  Feast of Corpus Christi     

St. Paddy's Day 2022

Christmas Party 2022
(If you weren't there, you missed a good time had by all)

Free Family Picnic Spring 2021


Older Photos

Wine Tasting 2017 Summer Safe 2017 Snelville Days 2015

Wine Tasting 2017

Safe Summer Program 2017

Snellville Days 2015
(Last Held Prior to Covid)